
Welcome to Dr Hadi’s Paediatric Dental Clinic: Your Partner for a Healthy and beautiful Smile

Your Child's Wellbeing and Comfort is Our Priority

At Dr Hadi’s Dental Clinic, we are dedicated to transforming dental visits into positive experiences that set the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing compassionate care to anxious paediatric patients, ensuring their smiles shine brightly without the burden of fear.
If you're seeking a dental home where your child can receive exceptional care in a nurturing environment, contact us today to schedule an appointment. Together, we'll pave the way for anxiety-free dental visits and healthy smiles that last a lifetime.
Ph: 9542 2255 Mob: 0416 507 850

Following is our philosophy in details: 

  • Treating Anxious Paediatric Dental Patients with Compassion and Care
  • Dental Sedation
  • Overview of our treatment process:
  • Welcome to Dr Hadi’s Clinic: Your Partner in Preventing Paediatric Dental Decay
  • Dental Sealants: Shielding Smiles from Decay
  • Fluoride Treatments: Strengthening Teeth and Preventing Decay
  • Tooth space maintenance in children
  • Laser Technology
  • Dental Trauma
  • Welcome to Our Orthodontic Treatment Clinic

In the next few pages, we will discuss these topics in mo re details:

Treating Anxious Paediatric Dental Patients with Compassion and Care.

At our Dental Clinic, we understand that visiting the dentist can be an overwhelming experience for young patients. Our dedicated team specializes in providing gentle and effective care for anxious paediatric dental patients. We're committed to creating a welcoming and comfortable environment where children can receive the dental treatment they need without fear or anxiety.

    The Importance of Addressing Dental Anxiety in Children

    Dental anxiety is a common phenomenon among children and can have lasting effects on their oral health and overall well-being. Unaddressed dental anxiety can lead to missed appointments, postponed treatments, and a cycle of fear that continues into adulthood. Our goal is to break this cycle by offering specialised care tailored to the needs of anxious paediatric patients.

      Our Approach to Treating Anx ious Paediatric Patients

      At Dr Hadi’s Dental Clinic, we take a comprehensive approach to treating anxious paediatric dental patients. Our team is dedicated to creating positive dental experiences through the following strategies:

      1. Welcoming Environment:

      Our office is designed to be child-friendly, with a warm and inviting atmosphere that helps children feel at ease from the moment they walk in.

      2. Open Communication:

      We believe that communication is key to building trust. Our staff explains procedures in simple, friendly terms, ensuring that children understand what to expect.

      3. Personalised Care Plans:

      Each child is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet their specific needs. Our team takes the time to listen to their concerns and address any questions they might have

      4. Distraction Techniques:

      We employ distraction techniques to divert children's attention and help them relax during their appointment. E.g., they get to choose a movie to watch during their treatment.

      5. Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas):

      For mild cases of anxiety, we offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help children feel more comfortable and relaxed throughout their procedure. (please see paragraph latter)

      6. Sedation Options:

      In cases of higher anxiety or extensive treatments, we offer safe and effective sedation options to ensure the child's comfort. This is done in our rooms (please see paragraph latter)

      7. Positive Reinforcement:

      Our team uses positive reinforcement and praise to make children feel proud of their bravery during dental visits. E.g. we offer them star of the day or star of the week, and so on. In addition they get to choose present from our treasure tray.

      8. Education and Prevention:

      We empower children with knowledge about oral hygiene and the importance of dental care. Educating them helps alleviate fear and empowers them to take charge of their oral health.

      Dental Sedation

      Dental sedation for children, also known as pediatric dental sedation, involves the use of medications to help children relax, stay calm, and manage anxiety during dental procedures. It's a valuable tool for ensuring that children can receive necessary dental care comfortably and safely. Dental sedation depends on the child's age, weight, medical history, and the complexity of the dental procedure. This is performed in the comfort of our rooms.

      Here are some important points to understand about dental sedation for children:

      1. Types of Sedation:
      • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): This is a mild form of sedation administered through a mask over the nose. It helps children relax and reduces anxiety during dental procedures. Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, allowing the child to resume their normal activities after the procedure.
      • Oral Sedation: This involves giving the child a prescribed medication (in liquid form) to be taken before the procedure. Oral sedation induces relaxation and drowsiness, but the child remains awake and responsive. The child may remember little to nothing about the procedure.

      2. Reasons for Sedation:
      • Dental Anxiety: Many children experience dental anxiety or fear of dental procedures. Sedation helps alleviate this anxiety, making the experience more comfortable.
      • Complex Procedures: Sedation is often used for complex procedures or treatments that may be uncomfortable or time-consuming.
      • Young Age: Young children who may have difficulty cooperating during procedures can benefit from sedation to ensure their safety and comfort.
      • Special Needs: Children with special needs may require sedation to complete dental procedures safely and effectively.

      3. Safety and Monitoring:
      • Before sedation, a thorough medical history is obtained to ensure the child is a suitable candidate. The child is monitored visually and using a pulse oximeter. Monitoring continues during and after the procedure until the child is alert and stable.
      • The child must be fasted from food and drinks. Fasting time is dependent on the type of sedation used.
      • Dental sedation for children is conducted under strict safety protocols. A trained dental team, including a specialist paediatric dentist and staff of well-trained dental assistants monitor the child's vital signs throughout the procedure.

      4. Parental Involvement:
      • Parents or guardians play an important role in the sedation process. They provide information about the child's medical history and are required to accompany the child to the appointment.

      5. Post-Sedation Care:
      • After the procedure, children are monitored until they are fully awake and responsive. Parents receive post-sedation care instructions, including what the child can eat and drink. Followed by post operative communications.

      6. Communication:
      • Effective communication between the dental team and parents is crucial. Parents should inform the dental team about any allergies, medications, or health conditions the child may have.
      Dental sedation for children can be a valuable tool in providing safe and comfortable dental care. If you're considering sedation for your child, discuss your concerns with our qualified paediatric dentist. Dr Hadi can help you understand the options, risks, and benefits, and ensure that your child's dental experience is positive and stress-free.

      Overview of our treatment process:

      Dental decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a common dental issue that occurs when the hard tissues of the teeth (enamel, dentin, and cementum) are damaged due to the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. If left untreated, dental decay can lead to pain, infection, and even tooth loss. Treatment of dental decay involves various approaches depending on the severity of the decay. Here's an overview of the treatment process:

      1. Dental Examination:
      • Dr Hadi will visually examine your child’s teeth and may use X-rays to identify the extent of the decay. Early-stage decay may appear as white spots on the enamel, while more advanced decay can result in cavities. Dr Hadi uses a diagnostic laser for the early detection of dental decay and enamel softness, then a programme is implemented to prevent it’s advancement. In addition a treatment plan will be formulated for treatment of the active decay. Orthodontic assessment is carried out at the same time too, early intervention orthodontics is discussed on that visit, and advice on the type of appliances given if any are needed.

      2. Dental Cleaning:
      • Before treatment, any plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth are removed through a dental cleaning. This ensures a clean surface for treatment.

      3. Treatment Options:
      • Fluoride Treatment: In cases of very early-stage decay (white spots), fluoride treatments may help remineralise the enamel and reverse the damage.
      • Dental sealants: please see paragraph later. 
      • Dental Fillings: For small to moderate-sized cavities, the decayed portion of the tooth is removed, and the resulting hole is filled with a dental filling material (such as composite resin, glass ionomer, or bioactive restoration). Fillings restore the tooth's functionality and appearance.
      • Dental Crowns: When decay is extensive and threatens the structural integrity of the tooth, a dental crown (cap) may be placed over the tooth to protect and strengthen it. White crowns and stainless steel are available.
      • Root Canal Treatment: If the decay reaches the inner pulp of the tooth and causes infection, a root canal procedure may be necessary. The infected pulp is removed, the root canals are cleaned and sealed, and the tooth is often capped with a crown for protection.
      • Tooth Extraction: In severe cases where the tooth cannot be saved due to extensive decay, it may need to be extracted. This is usually a last resort when other treatment options are not viable. A space maintaining device may be needed.

      4. Restoration:
      • After the decayed portion is removed and the tooth is treated, it is restored using the appropriate dental restoration. This could be a filling, crown, or another type of restoration based on the treatment performed.

      5. Oral Hygiene Education:
      • Preventing future decay is essential. Dr Hadi provides guidance on maintaining proper oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and dietary choices.

      6. Regular Checkups:
      • Regular dental checkups are crucial for early detection of new decay or any issues with existing restorations. Dr Hadi can catch problems early and recommend timely interventions. It plays another role in getting the children accustomed to visiting dentist fear free.

      7. Prevention:
      • The best treatment for dental decay is prevention. Practicing good oral hygiene, consuming a balanced diet, limiting sugary snacks and drinks, and using fluoride products can help prevent decay.

      Remember that the treatment approach for dental decay will depend on the specific circumstances and severity of the decay. Early detection and prompt treatment are essential for preserving the health and function of your teeth. If you suspect your child has dental decay or hasn't had a dental checkup in a while, it's recommended to schedule an appointment with us for an evaluation and appropriate treatment recommendations.

      Welcome to Dr Hadi’s Clinic: Your Partner in Preventing Paediatric Dental Decay

      At Dr Hadi’s Clinic, we understand the importance of early dental care in ensuring your child's bright and healthy smile. Paediatric dental decay, commonly known as cavities, can affect even the youngest smiles. However, with the right knowledge and practices, you can help your child maintain optimal oral health for life. Our mission is to provide you with the guidance and resources needed to prevent dental decay and create a positive dental experience for your child.

      Top Tips for Preventing Paediatric Dental Decay:

      1. Start Early: Begin your child's dental care journey even before their first tooth erupts. Gently clean their gums with a soft cloth and water after feedings to remove bacteria.

      2. Establish a Brushing Routine: As soon as the first tooth appears, start brushing with a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. As your child grows, use a pea-sized amount. Brush their teeth twice a day, morning, and night.

      3. Supervise Brushing: Children may need assistance with brushing until around age 8-9 or when they can effectively brush on their own teeth. Supervise their brushing to ensure they reach all areas of their mouth.

      4. Floss Regularly: Start flossing as soon as your child's teeth touch. Flossing helps remove food particles and plaque from between teeth where cavities can develop.

      5. Healthy Eating Habits: Encourage a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit sugary snacks and drinks, which can contribute to dental decay.

      6. Fluoride Protection: Use fluoride toothpaste and consult with our paediatric dentist about the need for fluoride treatments or supplements.

      7. Regular Dental Visits: Schedule your child's first dental visit around their third birthday or when you notice any problem. Regular checkups allow us to monitor their oral health and offer preventive guidance.

      8. Dental Sealants: Dental sealants provide an extra layer of protection for your child's molars, reducing the risk of cavities in hard-to-reach areas. Particularly for the adult molars.

      9. Education and Fun: Explore our kid-friendly educational clinic, that teaches your child about oral health in an engaging way.

      10. Comfortable Environment: Our paediatric dental team is specially trained to create a comfortable and positive experience for your child. We strive to make each visit enjoyable and stress-free.

      Empowering Healthy Smiles for Life:

      Dr Hadi’s Clinic is your partner in ensuring your child's dental health journey starts off on the right foot. We believe in fostering a positive relationship with dental care that will benefit your child for years to come. Together, let's prevent paediatric dental decay and set the stage for a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles.
      Remember, the habits formed in childhood lay the foundation for lifelong oral health. Contact us today to schedule your child's appointment and take the first step toward a future of bright smiles and happy visits to the dentist.

      Dental Sealants: Shielding Smiles from Decay

      Dental sealants are a preventive dental treatment designed to protect teeth, particularly the molars and premolars, from the development of cavities. They are a valuable tool in maintaining optimal oral health, especially for children and teenagers who are at higher risk of dental decay.

      What are Dental Sealants?

      Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings made of tooth compatible material that are applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. These surfaces often have deep grooves and fissures where food particles and bacteria can easily accumulate. Sealants create a smooth and easy-to-clean surface, preventing food debris and bacteria from getting trapped and causing cavities.

      How are Dental Sealants Applied?

      The application of dental sealants;

      1. Tooth Preparation: The dentist thoroughly cleans the teeth, using a diagnostic laser to detect the bacteria and decay present, then dries the teeth that will receive the sealants.

      2. Isolation: The tooth is isolated to keep it dry during the application process. A state of the art suction system is placed in the mouth to achieve that.

      3. Chemical treatment of the tooth: A mild solution is applied to the tooth's surface to create a rough texture. This helps the sealant adhere securely to the tooth.

      4. Rinsing and Drying: The tooth is rinsed and dried again to remove the chemical solution.

      5. Sealant Application: The sealant is placed onto the tooth's chewing surface in multiple layers. It quickly bonds to the tooth and forms a protective layer. Another top layer is then placed to make it stronger and long lasting.

      6. Curing: A special light is used to harden the sealant, making it durable and effective.

      Benefits of Dental Sealants:

      1. Cavity Prevention: Sealants act as a barrier, preventing bacteria and food particles from settling into the grooves of the teeth and causing decay.

      2. Easy Maintenance: Sealants create a smooth surface that is easy to clean with regular brushing and flossing.

      3. Painless Procedure: Applying sealants is non-invasive and does not require any injections.

      4. Long-Lasting Protection: Dental sealants can last several years with proper care and maintenance.

      5. Cost-Effective: Sealants are a cost-effective way to prevent cavities and the need for more extensive dental treatments in the future.

      Who Can Benefit from Dental Sealants?

      While dental sealants are most commonly applied to children and teenagers, they can also benefit adults who have deep grooves in their molars and are at risk of cavities. Generally, sealants are recommended for individuals who have newly erupted permanent teeth.

      Maintaining Sealants:

      To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of dental sealants:

      • Maintain regular oral hygiene practices, including brushing and flossing.
      • Attend regular dental checkups to monitor the condition of the sealants.
      • Avoid chewing on hard objects and ice, as this can potentially damage the sealants.
      Dental sealants are a proactive approach to preventing cavities, particularly in hard-to-reach areas of the mouth. If you're interested in protecting your child's or your own teeth from decay, consult with us, to determine if dental sealants are a suitable option.

      Fluoride Treatments: Strengthening Teeth and Preventing Decay

      Fluoride treatments are a common dental procedure aimed at strengthening tooth enamel and preventing dental decay. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of cavities and maintaining overall oral health. Fluoride treatments are often recommended for children, teenagers, and adults, especially those at higher risk of dental decay.

      How Does Fluoride Work?

      Fluoride works primarily by remineralising tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the hard outer layer of the teeth that protects against decay. When we consume foods and beverages, acids produced by bacteria in the mouth can weaken the enamel, making it susceptible to cavities. Fluoride helps to remineralize and strengthen enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks.

      Types of Fluoride Treatments:

      1. Professional Fluoride Gel or Foam: During a dental visit, we may apply a fluoride gel or foam to the teeth using a tray or a brush. The fluoride is left on the teeth for a specific amount of time to allow for absorption.

      2. Fluoride Varnish: Fluoride varnish is a thicker fluoride treatment that is painted onto the teeth. It adheres well to the tooth surfaces and slowly releases fluoride over time.

      3. Fluoride tooth paste: Some over-the-counter tooth pastes contain a more protective fluoride. These can be used on the special advice of Dr Hadi as part of your child’s oral hygiene routine. These are usually advised for older patients (teenagers)

      Benefits of Fluoride Treatments:

      1. Cavity Prevention: Fluoride treatments strengthen enamel, making teeth more resistant to decay and cavities.

      2. Reversal of Early Decay: In some cases, fluoride treatments can help reverse early stages of dental decay before they progress into cavities.

      3. Safe and Effective: Fluoride is a safe and well-studied mineral that has been used in dentistry for decades.

      4. Suitable for All Ages: Fluoride treatments can benefit individuals of all ages, from young children to adults.

      Who Should Receive Fluoride Treatments? 

      1. Children and Teens: Children and teenagers are often recommended to receive fluoride treatments as their teeth are still developing and prone to decay.

      2. High-Risk Individuals: Individuals with a history of cavities, poor oral hygiene, or certain medical conditions that affect oral health may benefit from fluoride treatments.

      3. Orthodontic Patients: Patients with braces or orthodontic appliances are at a higher risk of plaque buildup, making them good candidates for fluoride treatments.

      4. Dry Mouth: Those with dry mouth conditions are at increased risk of cavities due to reduced saliva production. Fluoride treatments can provide extra protection.

      Maintaining Fluoride Benefits:

      • Maintain regular oral hygiene practices, including brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing.
      • Limit sugary and acidic foods and beverages to help prevent decay.
      • Attend regular dental checkups to monitor oral health and receive professional advice on fluoride use.
      Fluoride treatments are a valuable tool in maintaining strong and healthy teeth. Consult with Dr Hadi to determine if fluoride treatments are appropriate for your child, and to discuss the best approach to incorporating fluoride into the oral care routine.

      Tooth space maintenance in children

      Tooth space maintenance in children is an important aspect of paediatric dentistry and orthodontics. It involves preserving the space left by prematurely lost primary (baby) teeth to ensure that permanent teeth can erupt properly and maintain proper alignment. When a primary tooth is lost before its natural time, adjacent teeth can drift into the empty space, potentially causing orthodontic issues. Here are some options for tooth space maintenance in children:

      1. Sectional Space Maintainers:
      • Band-and-Loop Maintainer: This type of space maintainer involves placing a metal band around an adjacent tooth (usually a molar) and attaching a wire loop that rests in the space left by the missing tooth. The loop prevents neighbouring teeth from drifting into the space.
      • Distal Shoe Maintainer: This type of maintainer is used when a primary molar is lost before the eruption of the permanent first molar. A metal wire is embedded in the gum where the permanent molar will eventually emerge. It guides the tooth into its correct position as it erupts.
      2. Lingual Arch Maintainer:
      • This type of space maintainer consists of a metal wire that runs along the inside (lingual) surfaces of the lower teeth. It prevents the lower teeth from moving forward and closing the space left by missing teeth.
      3. Trans palatal Arch Maintainer:
      • Used for maintaining space in the upper jaw, this appliance involves a wire that connects the molars on the upper jaw. It prevents the molars from drifting inward and closing the space.
      4. Temporary Solutions:
      • In some cases, a primary tooth might be lost close to the time when the permanent tooth is ready to erupt. In such situations, we might choose to monitor the situation closely without using a space maintainer.
      5. Regular Monitoring:
      • Regardless of the type of space maintainer used, regular follow-up appointments are crucial to ensure that the appliance is functioning as intended and that the space is being preserved properly.
      6. Early Orthodontic Consultation:
      • If a primary tooth is lost prematurely, it's recommended to consult with a paediatric dentist or orthodontist as soon as possible. Early evaluation can determine the best approach for maintaining the space and preventing future orthodontic problems.
      Tooth space maintenance is essential to support the proper eruption and alignment of permanent teeth, helping to prevent the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment in the future. If your child has lost a primary tooth prematurely or if you have concerns about their dental development, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr Hadi for personalised guidance and recommendations.

      Laser Technology

      Laser technology has revolutionized various aspects of dental care, offering precise and minimally invasive solutions for a wide range of dental procedures. Dental lasers utilize focused light energy to perform various tasks, from soft tissue surgeries to cavity preparation. Laser technology provides several benefits, including reduced discomfort, faster healing times, and improved precision. Here's an overview of our laser technology in dental care:

      Decay Diagnostic Laser: These are used to detect decay and its extent. In addition, it is used to detect softness and the early stages of dental decay so preventative programme could be started. 

      Soft Tissue Lasers: These lasers are designed for working with soft tissues in the mouth, such as gums, cheeks, and the tongue.

      Common Applications of soft tissue Dental Lasers:

      1. Soft Tissue Procedures:
      • Gum Contouring: Dental lasers can reshape and contour the gums to improve aesthetics or treat conditions like gummy smiles. This is very common after orthodontic treatment, where gums could have different shape on the same tooth on the different sides.
      • Gingival Troughing: Used during restorative procedures, lasers can gently retract and expose the tooth's surface for better visibility and access.
      • Frenectomy: Lasers can be used to release tight or problematic frenum attachments that can lead to speech or oral hygiene issues.
      • Crown Lengthening: Dental lasers can reshape the gum tissue to expose more of the tooth's structure, often done before restorative treatments.
      2. Tooth Sensitivity Treatment:
      • Lasers can seal the tubules on the surface of the teeth, reducing tooth sensitivity.
      3. Whitening: Lasers can enhance the effectiveness of in-office teeth whitening procedures by activating the whitening agents.

      Advantages of Dental Lasers: 

      1. Minimally Invasive: Laser procedures are often less invasive, causing less trauma and reducing the need for sutures.

      2. Reduced Discomfort: Lasers are associated with less pain and discomfort compared to traditional methods, reducing the need for anaesthesia in some cases.

      3. Precise and Controlled: Laser technology allows for precise targeting of tissues, minimising damage to surrounding areas.

      4. Reduced Bleeding: Lasers can help coagulate blood vessels, reducing bleeding during and after procedures.

      5. Faster Healing: Laser-treated tissues often heal faster due to reduced trauma.

      6. Less Need for Anaesthesia: In some cases, laser procedures are less painful, reducing the need for local anaesthesia.


      While dental lasers offer numerous advantages, they might not be suitable for every procedure or patient. Proper training and experience in using dental lasers are crucial for safe and effective treatment.

      If you're interested in exploring the benefits of laser technology in dental care, consult with Dr Hadi our paediatric dentistry specialist . She can assess your needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment options, whether they involve laser technology or traditional methods.

      Dental Trauma

      Expert Care for Paediatric Dental Trauma: Restoring Smiles with Compassion

      Welcome to Dr Hadi’s Dental Clinic, where we specialise in providing expert care for paediatric dental trauma. Accidents happen, and when they affect your child's teeth and mouth, our compassionate team is here to provide swift and effective treatment to restore their smile and oral health.

      Why Paediatric Dental Trauma Requires Special Attention

      Paediatric dental trauma refers to injuries that affect a child's teeth, gums, and mouth due to accidents, falls, or sports-related incidents. Because children's teeth and jaws are still developing, prompt and proper treatment is essential to prevent lasting damage and ensure proper growth.

      Our Comprehensive Approach to Paediatric Dental Trauma

      At Dr Hadi’s Dental Clinic, we offer a comprehensive approach to treating paediatric dental trauma, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your child's oral health and overall well-being.

      1. Immediate Response:

      • Dental trauma requires prompt attention. Our team is prepared to accommodate emergency cases and provide timely care.

      2. Gentle and Supportive Care:

      • We understand that children may be anxious or frightened after an accident. Our team is trained to provide gentle and supportive care to help your child feel comfortable and at ease. Paediatric dental sedation is available to help your child.

      3. Accurate Diagnosis:

      • Dr Hadi uses advanced diagnostic tools to assess the extent of the trauma, including X-rays, tooth vitality test, and visual examinations.

      4. Tailored Treatment Plans:

      • Each case of dental trauma is unique. We create customised treatment plans based on the specific needs of your child.

      5. Restorative Procedures:

      • Our clinic offers a range of restorative treatments, including:
      • Dental Bonding: Repairing chips or fractures with tooth-coloured materials.
      • Root Canal Treatment: Treating damaged or infected pulp to save the tooth.
      • Splinting: Stabilizing loose teeth to promote healing.
      • Crown Placement: Protecting and restoring severely damaged teeth.
      • Tooth Extractions: If a tooth cannot be saved, we ensure the extraction is as comfortable as possible.

      6. Preventive Measures:

      • We provide guidance on preventive measures to reduce the risk of future dental trauma, including mouthguards for sports activities.

      7. Compassionate Care:

      • Our team understands the emotional aspect of paediatric dental trauma. We provide compassionate care to both parents and children throughout the treatment process.

      8. Ongoing Monitoring:

      • We ensure that your child's recovery progresses as expected through regular follow-up appointments.

      Creating Smiles that Last a Lifetime

      At Dr Hadi’s Dental Clinic, our priority is to restore your child's smile and confidence after dental trauma. Our experienced team combines clinical expertise with a compassionate approach to ensure that your child receives the highest quality care in a comfortable and reassuring environment.

      If your child has experienced dental trauma, don't hesitate to contact us immediately. Time is of the essence when it comes to treating dental injuries. Our dedicated team is ready to provide the care your child needs to heal, grow, and continue to share their beautiful smile with the world.

      Welcome to Our Orthodontic Treatment Clinic

      At Dr Hadi’s Clinic, we understand the importance of a beautiful and healthy smile. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the highest quality orthodontic treatment in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Whether a child, or teenager, we offer personalised solutions to help achieve the smile you've always dreamed of for them. 

      Our Orthodontic Services 

      Self-Ligating Braces: These advanced braces use a unique sliding mechanism that reduces friction and can lead to faster treatment times. They're a great option for those looking for efficient and comfortable orthodontic care. 

      Early Orthodontic Treatment: We believe that early intervention can prevent more serious orthodontic issues down the road. Dr Hadi is experienced in guiding developing smiles to ensure proper alignment.
      Why Choose Us?

      Experienced Team: Dr Hadi has years of experience and stay updated on the latest advancements in orthodontic technology and techniques. 

      Personalised Treatment Plans: We understand that every patient's needs are unique. That's why we create customised treatment plans tailored to your child’s specific goals and dental condition. 

      Comfortable Environment: We've designed our clinic to make you feel at ease throughout your child’s orthodontic journey. Our friendly staff is here to answer your questions and ensure a pleasant experience. 

      Affordable and Flexible Financing Options: We believe that everyone deserves a beautiful smile. We offer a payment plan to make orthodontic treatment affordable/ manageable for all. 

      Your Child’s Journey to a Stunning Smile Begins Here 

      Are you ready to transform your child’s smile and boost his/hers confidence? Schedule a consultation with Dr Hadi today. During your visit, we'll discuss your treatment options, address any concerns you may have, and create a roadmap to your child’s ideal smile. At Dr Hadi’s Clinic, we're dedicated to making your orthodontic experience exceptional. Contact us today to take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile! 

      Personalized Orthodontic Treatment Tailored to You 

      At Dr Hadi’s Clinic, we recognize that every smile is unique, and each patient's orthodontic journey should reflect that individuality. Our commitment to providing personalized treatment sets us apart, ensuring that your experience with us is both effective and truly one-of-a-kind. 

      Understanding Your Needs 

      From your very first consultation, Dr Hadi takes the time to listen to your concerns, goals, and expectations. We understand that orthodontic treatment is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and your preferences matter. Whether you're looking for a discreet solution or a more traditional approach, we work with you to create a treatment plan that aligns with your desires. 

      Customized Treatment Plans 

      Our team utilises advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to thoroughly assess your child’s dental condition. With the help of photos, impressions, X-rays, and clinical exam, we gain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s teeth alignment and bite. This detailed information enables us to craft a treatment plan that addresses the specific orthodontic needs.

      Tailoring Every Step 

      Throughout the orthodontic journey, we continuously adapt our approach to ensure the treatment remains on track and meets your evolving needs. We make necessary adjustments to ensure the best possible results.
      Open Communication 

      At Dr Hadi’s Clinic, communication is key. We make sure you're informed at every stage of the treatment, providing you with clear explanations of the processes involved and what you can expect. Your questions and concerns are always welcomed, and we believe that an informed patient is an empowered patient. 

      Comfort and Convenience 

      We understand that orthodontic treatment can sometimes come with concerns about comfort and maintenance. Our team is here to guide your child through the process, offering tips and advice to make the journey as smooth as possible. Whether it's learning how to care for the appliances or managing any temporary discomfort, we're with you every step of the way. 

      Your child’s Smile, Your Journey 

      Children’s smiles are as unique as they are, and the orthodontic treatment should reflect that individuality. At Dr Hadi’s Clinic, we're committed to providing you with personalised orthodontic care that not only aligns the teeth but also meets your specific desires and needs. Your child’s journey to a confident, beautiful smile starts here, where they are treated as the unique individual they are. 

      Ready to begin your child’s orthodontic transformation? Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover the personalised approach to orthodontic treatment that awaits you at Dr Hadi’s Clinic. 

      Explore the Benefits of Self-Ligating Braces 

      At Dr Hadi’s Clinic, we're excited to offer a range of cutting-edge orthodontic solutions, including the innovative self-ligating braces. These braces represent a significant advancement in orthodontic technology, providing a comfortable and efficient way to achieve a beautifully aligned smile. 

      Understanding Self-Ligating Braces 

      Traditional braces use elastic bands or metal ties to secure the arch wire to the brackets. Self-ligating braces, on the other hand, feature a unique built-in mechanism that eliminates the need for these ties. The brackets themselves have a sliding door or
      clip that holds the arch-wire in place, allowing continuous, smoother, more controlled tooth movement. 

      Advantages of Self-Ligating Braces 

      1. Faster Treatment: The self-ligating design reduces friction, allowing teeth to move more freely and efficiently. This can potentially lead to shorter treatment times compared to traditional braces. 

      2. Less Discomfort: With reduced friction, there's often less pressure on the teeth, resulting in a more comfortable experience during adjustments. 

      3. Easier Oral Hygiene: Traditional braces can sometimes trap food particles and make oral hygiene challenging. Self-ligating braces are easier to clean and maintain, promoting better oral health throughout the treatment. 

      4. Fewer Appointments: Because self-ligating braces often require less frequent adjustments, you'll likely have fewer appointments, which can be especially convenient for busy lifestyles. 

      5. Built in Torque: our self-ligating braces are the latest in American technology. They have a different built in torques system allowing us to customise the specific torque to the particular case. This allows, faster treatment and an amazing aesthetic result .

      6. Customized Treatment: self-ligating braces can be tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Dr Hadi creates a treatment plan that addresses your unique dental concerns. 

      7. Aesthetic Options: Self-ligating braces come in both metal and clear options, allowing you to choose the look that suits your preferences. However the clear option will take longer time to finish, and is more expensive too. 

      Your Child’s Self-Ligating Braces Journey 

      1. Consultation: Your child’s orthodontic journey begins with a comprehensive consultation. Dr Hadi will assess your child’s dental condition, discuss your goals, and determine if self-ligating braces are the right choice for him/her. 

      2. Customised Treatment Plan: Once self-ligating braces are recommended, we'll create a personalised treatment plan tailored to a unique smile. 

      3. Placement: The self-ligating brackets will be carefully attached to your child’s teeth, and the arch-wire will be inserted. 

      4. Adjustments: Throughout the treatment, you'll have periodic appointments for adjustments. These appointments are typically shorter and less frequent than with traditional braces. 

      5. Monitoring Progress: Our team will closely monitor your progress to ensure that your child’s teeth are moving as planned. Any necessary adjustments will be made to keep the treatment on track. 

      6. Reveal the New Smile: Once the treatment is complete, you'll be amazed at the transformation of your child’s smile. The self-ligating braces will have played a crucial role in achieving the results you've been dreaming of.

      Experience the Future of Orthodontics 

      Self-ligating braces offer a modern approach to orthodontic treatment, combining efficiency and comfort for a truly exceptional experience. Ready to learn more? Schedule a consultation at Dr Hadi’s Clinic today and discover if self-ligating braces are the right choice for your child’s journey to a confident, radiant smile. 

      After orthodontic treatment, it's important to maintain the results we have achieved and prevent the teeth from shifting back to their original positions. Here are some strategies to help prevent teeth from moving after orthodontics: 

      1. Wearing Retainers: Retainers are custom-made appliances that help hold the teeth in their new positions after orthodontic treatment. There are two main types of retainers: removable and fixed. Removable retainers are similar to clear aligners and are worn over the teeth, usually at night. Fixed retainers are thin wires that are bonded to the back surfaces of the front teeth. Consistently wearing the retainers as prescribed is essential for maintaining the results of the treatment. 

      2. Following the Orthodontics Instructions: You child will be provided with specific instructions for wearing and caring for the retainers. Please help your child follow these instructions carefully to ensure the effectiveness of the retainers and to prevent any damage to them. 

      3. Attending Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with your child are important to monitor the stability of the results. So, we can make any necessary adjustments to the retainers and address any concerns you might have. 

      4. Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene: Proper oral hygiene helps prevent gum disease and other oral health issues that can contribute to teeth shifting. Brushing (including inter proximal) and flossing regularly and maintaining regular dental checkups and cleanings, are very important. 

      5. Avoiding Bad Habits: Certain habits like nail-biting, pen-chewing, or placing foreign objects between the teeth can put pressure on the teeth and potentially lead to shifting. Avoiding these habits protects the orthodontic results. 

      6. Maintaining a Balanced Diet: A balanced diet supports good oral health and can help prevent unwanted movement of teeth. Avoid excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks that can contribute to tooth decay and gum issues. 

      7. Staying Aware of Changes: Paying attention to any changes in the alignment of the teeth. If you or your child notice any shifting or movement, contact us for advice on how to address the issue promptly.

      8. Long-Term Retention: The need for retention extends well beyond the first few months after treatment. In some cases, we recommend long-term retainer wear to ensure the stability of the results. 

      9. Communicate with us: Please contact us if there are any issues or concerns regarding the orthodontic results. Don't hesitate to communicate with us, we can provide guidance and solutions to help maintain your child’s smile. 

      Remember that teeth have a natural tendency to shift over time due to factors like age and genetics. Consistently following the recommendations for post-treatment care and retainer wear will greatly minimise the risk of teeth shifting after orthodontics. 

      Early orthodontic treatment and Growth modifying plates. 

      Growth-modifying plates, also known as functional appliances, are orthodontic devices used in early orthodontic treatment to guide and influence the growth and development of the jaws and facial structures in children. These appliances are designed to harness the natural growth potential of a child's jaw to correct dental and skeletal issues and achieve a more harmonious bite and facial profile. Early orthodontic treatment with growth-modifying plates is typically recommended for children in their growing years, often before all permanent teeth have erupted. 

      Here are some key points to understand about growth-modifying plates for early orthodontic treatment: 

      1. Purpose: Growth-modifying plates are used to correct a variety of orthodontic issues, including overbites (deep bites), underbites, crossbites, and jaw size discrepancies. They work by gently guiding the growth of the jaws, allowing for more favourable alignment of the teeth and better facial balance. 

      2. Two-Phase Treatment: Many orthodontic cases are addressed in two phases: the first phase involves using growth-modifying plates to address skeletal issues, and the second phase (usually during the teenage years) involves fine-tuning tooth positions with braces or aligners. 

      3. Timing: Growth-modifying plates are most effective when used during periods of active jaw growth. These growth spurts typically occur during childhood, often between the ages of 7 and 10 for girls and 8 and 11 for boys. Early intervention during these growth phases can lead to more stable and effective results. Many types are available Dr Hadi can advise you for the appropriate type for your child 

      5. Compliance: Successful outcomes with growth-modifying plates depend on patient compliance. These appliances are most effective when worn as instructed by Dr Hadi. Regular follow-up appointments are important to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments.

      6. Benefits of Early Treatment: Early orthodontic treatment with growth-modifying plates can help minimise the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment later in life. It can also improve facial aesthetics and self-esteem. 

      7. Individualised Treatment: Each child's orthodontic needs are unique. The type of growth-modifying plate used, and the duration of treatment will be determined based on a thorough examination and assessment. 

      8. Collaboration: The success of early orthodontic treatment often involves collaboration between different dental specialists to ensure comprehensive care. 

      If you're considering early orthodontic treatment for your child, consult with D Hadi. she can provide a thorough evaluation, discuss treatment options, and recommend the most suitable approach to achieve optimal dental and facial development.

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